The whale
# 89


Modern CSS

Modern CSS solutions for old CSS problems.


Tailwind CSS Components

A free repository for community components using TailwindCSS. Open source Tailwind UI components and templates to bootstrap your new apps, projects or landing sites!


Stylemug - atomic CSS in JS w. zero runtime

Stylemug is a fast css-in-js library that extracts atomic CSS rules to a .css file. It generates atomic CSS from the static stylesheets defined in JS. The compiled rules are extracted to a .css file.The stylesheet code in the Javascript bundle is replaced (no CSS in JS) with a hash map for classnames lookup at runtime.


Image Techniques On The Web

One of the decisions that a front-end developer needs to make while building a website is the technique to include an image. It could be an HTML , or an image via CSS backgrounds, or maybe SVG . Choosing the correct technique is important and can play a huge role in performance and accessibility. Post written by Ahmad Shadeed.


Not paid

Client did not pay? Add opacity to the body tag and decrease it every day until their site completely fades away. Set a due date and customize the number of days you offer them until the website is fully vanished.



htmx allows you to access AJAX, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes, so you can build modern user interfaces with the simplicity and power of hypertext



Draftbox is a new-age blogging platform for everyone, built on Gatsby. It provides a static site for your existing blog and keeps content in sync.


Kirby Pay

Kirby Pay offers an easy way to make payments with Kirby CMS, providing several options to customize according to your needs.


Play with Docker

The Play with Docker classroom brings you labs and tutorials that help you get hands-on experience using Docker.



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The whale is a list of links curated by Gilles Vauvarin and published on different supports. This list is dedicated to web developers who need to be up to date with what happen on the web and are curious to discover new tools and resources to try on their next project. The whale highlights tools, resources, articles, formations, jobs and web conferences.

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Gilles Vauvarin
1 rue Alexandre Gander
74200 Thonon les bains