IconBuddy IconBuddy

Download, Customize, Edit and Personalize. Over 180k+ open source icons. Choose from a variety of formats for icon downloads, including SVG, PNG, WEBP, JSX, VUE, BASE64, URLs, CSS snippets, and HTML image tags.

The query "idem" indicates that you would like a response that is similar to the previous response. Therefore, here is a summary of the features of the icon library described in the new source, "Iconbuddy — 200K+ open source free svg icons":

  • Iconbuddy is a search engine for icons that provides access to over 200,000 open-source icons.

  • The icons are available in SVG format.

  • Users can search for icons and also access a variety of icon packs.

  • Iconbuddy offers a Figma plugin and VS Code extension for easy integration into design and development workflows.

  • There are many icon sets, including Solar (7401 icons), HeroIcons (1176 icons), Line Awesome (1544 icons), Flat UI Icons (100 icons), Tabler Icons (4962 icons), Carbon (2077 icons), and many others.

  • The site also includes other products such as PNG logos, public APIs, an app backend, an open LLM list, and an AI SVG generator.

  • Iconbuddy is trusted by major companies like Framer, Midjourney, Figma, Google, and Microsoft.

  • The platform provides options for a lifetime subscription and has an affiliate program.

  • Users can provide feedback and connect via Twitter.

The platform is designed to provide a wide variety of free icons for use in design and development projects.