useAnimations useAnimations useAnimations

Animated icons in Lottie Framework and After Effects for immediate implementation to your apps or websites.

A micro-animations library:

  • This library provides animated icons using the Lottie Framework.

  • The library supports multiple platforms, including websites, Android, and iOS.

  • The animations maintain lossless quality on all device sizes due to their responsive design.

  • The icons are built on a 32px grid.

  • The library provides editable Lottie .json files.

  • Icons are available in both SVG and Lottie file formats.

  • The free animated icons are inspired by Feather.

  • The library includes icons in the categories of: Alerts, Notifications, Navigation, Action, Content, Form, Media, Loading, Social media, and Other.

  • Icons for Alerts include: Alert circle, Alert octagon, and Alert triangle.

  • Icons for Notifications include: Notification, Notification V2, Notification V3, and Notification V4.

  • Navigation icons include: Burger Menu, Menu V2, Menu V3, Menu V4, Arrow left circle, Arrow up circle, Arrow right circle, and Arrow down circle.

  • Action icons include: Settings, Settings V2, Lock/Unlock, Visibility, Visibility V2, Visibility V3, Heart, Maxi/Minimize, Maxi/Minimize V2, Bookmark, Star, Plus/X, Trash, Trash V2, Search/X, Download, Calendar, Edit, Thumb up, Explore, Info, Help, Checkmark, Home, Folder, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Chevron left, Chevron right, Refresh, and Filter.

  • Content icons include: Archive, Mail, Copy, User X, User minus, User plus, and Share.

  • Form icons include: Checkbox, Radio button, and Toggle.

  • Media icons include: Airplay, Volume, Microphone, Microphone V2, Video, Video V2, Play/Pause circle, Play/Pause, Skip back, and Skip forward.

  • Loading icons include: Loading circular, Loading V2, Loading V3, Infinity, and Loading V4.

  • Social media icons include: Facebook, Github, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Pocket, Codepen, YouTube, YouTube V2, Dribbble, and Behance.

  • Other icons include: Activity, Arrow down, Arrow up, and Scroll down.

  • Some icons have "DownloadLoop" functionality, while others have "DownloadClick me" or "DownloadHover me".

The library is designed to provide a variety of animated icons suitable for various applications and platforms.