Technological monitoring for web developers

Oct 19th, 2019


If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a framework for creating native applications with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can focus on the core of your application.

Desktop, HTML, CSS, JS

Oct 18th, 2019


Pure CSS syntax highlighter, no Javascript required. Includes built-in tooltips with UI themes and syntax highlighting themes.

CSS, CodeHighlithing

Oct 17th, 2019

How to allow a script to be run from a Cron Job but not from a Browser

Do you have scheduled jobs run via Cron that you want to prevent being run via browsers and other user agents? This post, written by Andy W, presents two methods to do so.


Oct 17th, 2019


Modern file management platform built according to your business needs and regulations, Pydio is open-source software deployed on your servers or wherever you decide.

FileSharing, Golang

Oct 16th, 2019

Target="_blank" - the most underestimated vulnerability ever

Discover how to implement target="_blank" the right way to not be hacked. Written by Alex Yumashev.

Security, _blank

Oct 14th, 2019

How to remove unused CSS

How much of the CSS style that you import from external libraries you really use? Sometimes even less than 20%, so why do you need to have all this unused style? No reason! Purgecss come to help, it is a tool which helps to remove unused CSS and it can be used as part of your development workflow. Post written by Luca Spezzano.

CSS, JS, Purge

Oct 14th, 2019

Reactive Conf

3-day functional programming conference based in the Central Europe with top-notch speakers & 1300+ attendees.


Oct 14th, 2019

VueCamp Berlin

Experience two thrilling days of learning, community and contribution. A barcamp is not just another passive listening conference. Instead, you and everyone else is asked to share their ideas, lead a workshop or give a talk. The vuecamp is structured like a barcamp.


Oct 14th, 2019
- JOB -

Full stack web developer

You will be working on different types of web applications including but not limited to enterprise Drupal 8 websites, single page applications, living styleguides, design systems, prototypes and headless / decoupled CMS setups. You will work within an experienced development team with standards and processes that work but also get the ability to get involved into the future approach of both the company and development team.

Dev fullstack
Symfony, Drupal, VueJS

Join the web developers community
Oct 12th, 2019


A tiny library for recreating Instagram filters with CSS filters and blend modes.

CSS, Filters

Oct 12th, 2019


ScriptSlide is the perfect tool for speakers. Use your laptop as a script screen and take a look at while presenting. Your smartphone becomes a remote controller that controls your screen remotely.

Teleprompter, Presentation, Speech script

Oct 12th, 2019


Invidious is an alternative front-end to YouTube to watch your videos without ads and all the extra bloat. The official instance is here but several other instances are available.

Video, Youtube, UI, OpenSource

Oct 11th, 2019

Kirby in a nutshell

Kirby in a nutshell or what you wish you had known when you started your first Kirby project.

Kirby, CMS, Flatfile

Oct 11th, 2019

Data Detox Kit

Everyday steps you can take to control your digital privacy, security, and wellbeing in ways that feel right to you.

Data, Detox, Privacy, Security

Oct 11th, 2019

Indie Webify Me

A guide to getting you on the IndieWeb. We should all own the content we're creating, rather than just posting to third-party content silos. Publish on your own domain, and syndicate out to silos. This is the basis of the "Indie Web" movement.

Privacy, Data, IndieWeb

Oct 10th, 2019

How to build and deploy websites using Netlify

Netlify helps developers quickly roll out static websites. In this in-depth Netlify course for beginners, you will learn how to use the service for everything needed in modern web development, from local setup to global deployment. This video is the perfect place to start for anyone that wants to learn how to use Netlify.

Video, Courses

Oct 9th, 2019

Awesome Tailwind CSS

A curated list of awesome things related to Tailwind CSS. Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.

CSS, Framework, Resources

Oct 9th, 2019


Knex.js is a "batteries included" SQL query builder for Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3, Oracle, and Amazon Redshift designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use.


Join the web developers community
Oct 9th, 2019


Objection.js is an ORM for Node.js that aims to stay out of your way and make it as easy as possible to use the full power of SQL and the underlying database engine while still making the common stuff easy and enjoyable.


Oct 9th, 2019


Koa is a new web framework designed by the team behind Express, which aims to be a smaller, more expressive, and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs.

Framework, NodeJS

Oct 9th, 2019


OpenLibra is a technology platform and currency for financial inclusion. An alternative to Facebook's Libra, that places emphasis on open governance and economic decentralization.


Oct 9th, 2019 is an Open Source alternative for Zapier/ Automate daily tasks, sync data, or react to events.


Oct 9th, 2019


ForwardEmail is a free, encrypted, and open-source email forwarding service for custom domains.

Email, Forward

Oct 7th, 2019
- JOB -

Full Stack Developer (JavaScript Stack)

This role requires you to be proficient in JavaScript (Node.js, React.js, Next.js), and MongoDB. You’ll be an exceptional problem solver and take responsible actions in ensuring the application is optimized both in technology and in delivering the best user experience.

Dev fullstack

Oct 7th, 2019

GOTO 2019

We believe that learning is a lifelong process; that's why we create conferences for developers by developers. It's what drives us to produce the best meeting place for innovators and thought leaders.

Software, Development

Oct 7th, 2019

API Conference 2019

The Conference for Web APIs, API Design & Management. Find out in exciting, informative workshops and sessions on how to plan, implement, and manage your API projects with the right strategy, structured management and development.

API, Web

Oct 5th, 2019

Styling Basic Dropdown Elements with Tailwind CSS

Learn how to style a dropdown menu with Tailwind's utility classes.

CSS, Tailwind, DropdownMenu, VueJS

Join the web developers community
Oct 5th, 2019

Nginx Restic Backend

I’ve started using an excellent piece of software called Restic for backing up my various hosts. Restic has multiple backend types that you can send your backups to. One of the backends it supports is a REST API for which there is an implementation named Rest Server written in Go. Post written by Mike Cardwell.

Backup, Restic, Nginx

Oct 4th, 2019

JAMstack Themes

A list of Themes and Starters for JAMstack sites.

JAMstack, Themes

Oct 4th, 2019

A Modern CSS Reset

In this modern era of web development, we don’t really need a heavy-handed reset, or even a reset at all, because CSS browser compatibility issues are much less likely than they were in the old IE 6 days. Post written by Andy Bell.

CSS, Reset

Oct 3rd, 2019

Why Progressive Web Apps Are The Future of Mobile Web

Progressive Web Apps have been part of the conversation for a number of years, but have yet to be meaningfully adopted by most brands, which strikes us as a missed opportunity given the many benefits they possess. In fact, PWA’s can bring native app-like experiences and functionality to the mobile web, and they can be an extremely efficient way to deliver your digital experiences. Written by Jason Rzutkiewicz and Jeremy Lockhorn


Oct 2nd, 2019


GreenSock is a JavaScript plateform which makes it easy to animate HTML elements. As long as you have an understanding of HTML and CSS, along with a basic knowledge of JavaScript, you’ll be equipped with everything you need to build your animation with Greensock.


Sep 30th, 2019

JSON Web Token (JSON Web Encryption) Authentication with Kirby CMS 3

In yet another recent project, I’m building a book proposal submission platform with a Vuejs frontend and a Kirby CMS backend. Kirby supports the use of HTTP Basic Autentication to make interacting with it via a custom web client (e.g. Vuejs) nice and easy. In my case, I need to interact with Kirby securely to tell it to create a new page (a new “Book”) without requiring a user to create an account or login. Post written by Morgan Brown .

Kirby3, Authentification, JSONWebToken

Sep 30th, 2019


Splitting creates elements and adds CSS variables to unlock amazing possibilities for animating text, grids, and more!


Sep 30th, 2019


Jamdocs - the ultimate static generated documentation theme for the JAM-stack.


Sep 30th, 2019


Jigsaw is a framework for rapidly building static sites using the same modern tooling that powers your web applications.

JAMstack, LaravelMix

Join the web developers community
Sep 30th, 2019

Tailwind toolbox

Open source starter templates and components, a plugins directory and useful tools/utilities to kick start your Tailwind CSS project.

TailwindCSS, Toolbox

Sep 29th, 2019
- JOB -

Full Stack Developer

As a Full Stack Developer, you will work with a highly specialized, multidisciplinary team that handles the complete development lifecycle of a product, from envisioning to production deployment. You will be 70% front end and 30% backend focused.

Dev fullstack
Elm, Python, Docker, Fintech

Sep 29th, 2019


Attend the conference to learn how to design, develop, and deploy fast, modern web projects that run on JAMstack, without web servers.


Sep 29th, 2019

Women Who Code Front End 2019

WWCode Front End 2019 is a developer summit taking a deep look at the latest in Front End technologies. Learn from industry experts as they share their technical knowledge and actionable advice on topics like tools, platforms, and programming languages. Join us for innovative talks, in-depth panels, and technical workshops designed to help strengthen your skills, connect with your community, and inspire women to excel in technology.

Code, FrontEnd

Sep 28th, 2019


GitFiend is a Git and cross platform client designed for humans. It gives you the power of Git without the panicked Stack Overflow searches. It's quick, uncluttered and intuitive, while still being packed with the features you need.

Git, GUI, Linux

Sep 27th, 2019


Thermal is open-source desktop application allows you to manage your Git repositories at one place by providing a simple to use graphic interface with built-in features like commits, history, repository settings and more.

Git, GraphicInterface, OpenSource

Sep 26th, 2019

JAMstack WTF

JAMstack is revolutionising the way we think about workflow by providing a simpler developer experience, better performance, lower cost and greater scalability. This simple guide will help you understand why it exists and how to get started.


Sep 25th, 2019


SlickStack is a super easy way to setup WordPress servers that are lightning-fast, created by LittleBizzy.

WordPress, Server

Sep 25th, 2019


Running web apps is time consuming and error-prone. Keeping your system up-to-date and secure is a full-time job. Cloudron lets you focus on using the apps and not worry about system administration. Cloudron comes with a free plan.

System, Administration

Join the web developers community
Sep 25th, 2019

Hypothesis brings an open conversation over the whole web. Use it right now to hold discussions, read socially, organize your research, and take personal notes.

Collaboration, Annotation

Sep 24th, 2019
- JOB -

Web developer

Talkdesk is looking for a full stack web developer to join our Creative Dev team, working closely with our Marketing team, in order to develop creative web solutions to overcome the Marketing challenges and meet the company needs. Talkdesk needs strong front-end development skills, pays attention to pixel-perfect details and have a deep knowledge of responsive design and best practices for desktop, tablet, mobile devices and browser performance. On server side it is also needed a solid back-end development experience, managing the interchange of data between the server and the users, ensuring high performance and responsiveness to requests between the client and server sides. Talkdesk seeks for strong analytical skills, an unwavering commitment to quality, a collaborative work ethic, and cutting edge coding skills. You should live and breathe the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, JavaScript (not just jQuery), and PHP, and command an impressive portfolio of web technologies.

Dev fullstack
Html, Css, JS, PHP

Sep 24th, 2019


Localhost conference happens for the first time this year in Düsseldorf, Germany and its origin story is two local meetups gone too big and joining forces for a proper full-blown community-driven non-profit conference with plenty of talks, a few workshops and of course mingling, during a whole day in Fall 2019.


Sep 24th, 2019


Nordic.js is a single track JavaScript conference with talks by internationally renowned speakers and rising stars in the JavaScript community. You’ll hear about fun experiments, learn about the latest in JavaScript, and connect with other passionate developers. Previous speakers includes Karolina Szczur, Guillermo Rauch, Rachel Andrew, Mariko Kosaka, and Jeremy Keith.


Sep 20th, 2019


Who is this for? For website developers that use Hugo and want to make the content of their static websites easy to edit, all for free and without having to pay for a server. For content editors that want to manage content of small static websites using a sleek user-friendly interface.

CMS, Hugo, JAMstack, SSG

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