Technological monitoring for web developers

May 3rd, 2019

Everything you need to get up and running with VueJS

In this article, Dan Vega is going to tell you why he loves Vue and give you 4 different ways you can write your first application.


May 3rd, 2019

Shop Talk Show

An internet radio show about the internet starring Dave Rupert and Chris Coyier.


May 3rd, 2019

Docker for front-end developer

This is short and simple guide of docker, useful for frontend developers and written by Akanksha Sharma.


May 3rd, 2019 is a shell script for http/https troubleshooting and profiling. It's also a simple wrapper around several open source security tools.

HTTP, HTTPS, Security, Shell

May 2nd, 2019


MyCroft is an open source voice assistant. It runs on many platforms, on desktop, on Mycroft Mark 1, or on a Raspberry Pi and may be used in anything from a science project to an enterprise software application.

VoiceAssistant, OpenSource

May 2nd, 2019

SynthWave '84 VSCode theme

Robb Owen made this Synthwave-inspired colour VSCode theme to satisfy your neon dreams. Robb said that the installation is a bit more fiddly than usual themes, so please read the ReadMe.

VSCoode, Theme, Glow, 80's

May 2nd, 2019

UrlHum URL Shortener

The modern, advanced, privacy-aware URL Shortener built in PHP and the Laravel framework.

URL, OpenSource, PHP, Laravel

May 2nd, 2019

Learn Github in 20 mn

Github Tutorial For Beginners - Github is seen as a big requirement by most employers these days and is very critical to business workflow. This Github tutorial will cover the basics of how to use Github and the command line.

Git, Github

May 2nd, 2019


MediaDrop provides unparalleled organization, statistics, accessibility, and scalability. Well-designed and well-engineered it is the ideal solution for any organization with large collections of video or audio.

Video, CMS, OpenSource, Python

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Apr 30th, 2019

A Designer's Guide to Animating Icons with CSS

Shannon Thomann wanted to share what she has learned and the process that goes into it, allowing all designers to feel a bit more freedom in bringing their creations to life!

CSS, Animation

Apr 30th, 2019

Full-stack radio

A podcast for developers interested in building great software products. Every episode, Adam Wathan is joined by a guest to talk about everything from product design and user experience to unit testing and system administration.


Apr 29th, 2019
- JOB -

Front-End Developer

We are looking for a front-end web developer who brings creative problem solving, first-principles thinking, and passion to the team. You will be working on multiple codebases of different languages and frameworks, as well as working with other developers.

Dev front
HTML, CSS, JS, Vue, VueX, VueRouter

Apr 29th, 2019
- JOB -

Front-End Developer

Solenovo Ltd. is looking for a Front-End Developer who is passionate about web development. You will be working in a culture that promotes learning, growth and teamwork, within a company where software development is the core of the business, and with a group of extremely talented people as colleagues who challenge you to be your best every day.

Dev front
JS, React, Redux

Apr 29th, 2019

MiXiT 2019

MiXiT conference is 2 days for discovering new things and meeting nice people. Our commitment is to offer a variety of topics, technologies and also attendees diversity.

Makers, Tech, Design, LifeStyle

Apr 29th, 2019

Laravel Live UK

For the second year running, join hundreds of Laravel and PHP enthusiasts for inspirational talks, engaging networking and amazing learning opportunities.

Laravel, PHP

Apr 29th, 2019


vee-validate is a template-based validation framework for Vue.js that allows you to validate inputs and display errors.

VueJS, FormValidation

Apr 29th, 2019


Neos is a PHP/MySQL CMS. Think of Neos as an open source Content Application Platform based on its own PHP framework Flow.

CMS, OpenSource, PHP

Apr 29th, 2019


PyroCMS is an easy to use, powerful, and modular CMS and development platform built with Laravel 5.

CMS, Laravel

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Apr 28th, 2019

Forest admin

Forest Admin provides an off-the-shelf admin panel based on a highly-extensible API plugged into your application.

Framework, Panel

Apr 27th, 2019


Traccar is a free and open source modern GPS tracking system. Support for more than 170 GPS protocols and more than 1500 models of GPS tracking devices.

GPS, OpenSource

Apr 26th, 2019

Susty WP

Delivering WordPress in 6KB. Susty WP aims to act as a guide to making WordPress websites more sustainable, and to serve as a practical example of how we can tune our websites and reduce their carbon footprint.

WordPress, Sustainability

Apr 26th, 2019

Digital guide to low tech

In March 2019 Gauthier Roussilhe put his new website online following "low tech" design principles. He decided to do this because, first, he was impressed by the redesign of

LowTech, Kirby

Apr 26th, 2019


Nuxt.js presets all the configuration needed to make your development of a Vue.js application enjoyable.

Vue, JS, Framework

Apr 26th, 2019

Bento Starter

It's an Open-Source Full-Stack solution for fast PWA development. It provides a strong PWA configuration so your web app can be used as a mobile (IOS / Android) or desktop application with offline support.

ProgressiveWebApp, Starter

Apr 25th, 2019

How I configure VSCode for Everything

In this post, Aman Mittal shows us his VSCode configuration and a great list of several VSCode's themes and extension.

VSCode, Theme, Extensions

Apr 25th, 2019


Serverless Functions, Made Simple. OpenFaaS makes it simple to turn anything into a serverless function that runs on Linux or Windows through Docker Swarm or Kubernetes.

FaaS, Serverless

Apr 25th, 2019


Check this awesome online list of cheatsheets written by Rico Stacruz.


Join the web developers community
Apr 24th, 2019

Smart Node.js Form Validation

One of the fundamental tasks to perform in an API is data validation. In this article, I’d like to show you how to add bulletproof validation for your data in a way that also returns it nicely formatted. Post written by Andrej Adamcik

NodeJS, Form, Validation

Apr 24th, 2019

Custom Cursor Effects

A collection of five demos and a tutorial on how to create animated custom cursor effects for interactive elements like navigation, galleries and carousels.

Cursor, Animation

Apr 24th, 2019

Anime JS

Anime.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple, yet powerful API.
It works with CSS properties, SVG, DOM attributes and JavaScript Objects.

JS, Animation

Apr 24th, 2019

React Hooks Cheatsheet

A React hooks cheatsheet with live editable examples. A one-stop reference for hooks.

React, Hooks, Cheatsheet

Apr 24th, 2019

Extension School EPFL

Extension School from EPFL enables everyone to learn the skills necessary to benefit from the opportunities of the digital age. Check out their programming courses to become a full-stack developer.

E-learning, EPFL, Rails, React

Apr 23rd, 2019


MockIt was built as a proof of concept to help developers quickly create end points that were not just JSON stubs in their applications.

API, Docker

Apr 23rd, 2019


Victoire is a mix between a framework and a CMS. Concretely, it is able to list and store your business entities in your back office and display them on your site in a few clicks - without having to manually copy, one by one, the texts and images of these business entities.

Framework, CMS, Symfony

Apr 23rd, 2019
- JOB -

Front End Web Developer

Smith Brothers Agency seeks an enthusiastic front-end web developer to join their team. Their work is primarily with creating Web Sites. More specifically, the front-end builds, consisting of html, css and js – as well as back-end integration into a Content Management system.

Dev front
CraftCMS, WordPress, Html, CSS, JS

Apr 23rd, 2019
- JOB -

Front End Web Developer

Following the expansion of the SIB Clinical Bioinformatics activities, we are seeking a Web Developer, to be responsible for the frontend mock-up development (UX) of web-based bioinformatics tools and participate to their development and testing, in collaboration with other colleagues.

Dev front
Html, Css, Vue, Balsamiq

Join the web developers community
Apr 23rd, 2019

elm-conf 2019

elm-conf is a single-day, one-track conference for the Elm programming language community, currently in our fourth year. If you're interested in Elm, functional programming, or frontend development in general, please join us!


Apr 23rd, 2019

Vues.js London

Vue.js London is all about discovery and learning. We had new talks and workshop content, delivered by leading experts in the industry. We delivered a new type of conference learning aid, the Advice Lounge, where experts offered their expertise in a relaxed and open environment.

JS, Vue

Apr 20th, 2019

Open Web Components

The goal of Open Web Components is to empower everyone with a powerful and battle-tested setup for sharing open source web components. We try to achieve this by giving a set of recommendations and defaults on how to facilitate your web component project.


Apr 19th, 2019

Developer Survey Results 2019

Stack Overflow’s annual Developer Survey is the largest and most comprehensive survey of people who code around the world. Each year, Stack Overflow fields a survey covering everything from developers’ favorite technologies to their job preferences.


Apr 19th, 2019

Diagonal Containers in CSS

In this tutorial, Sebastiano Guerriero will take a look at how to create full-width, diagonal sections in CSS using the clip-path property.


Apr 18th, 2019


Workbox is a set of libraries and Node modules that make it easy to cache assets and take full advantage of features used to build Progressive Web Apps.

PWA, Nodejs

Apr 18th, 2019


Vue CLI is a full system for rapid Vue.js development. Vue CLI aims to be the standard tooling baseline for the Vue ecosystem. It ensures the various build tools work smoothly together with sensible defaults so you can focus on writing your app instead of spending days wrangling with configurations.

JS, Vue, CLI

Apr 17th, 2019

Generative art with css

This post is a translation by Chen Hui Jing of Yuan Chuan's talk at CSSConf. It explains with a lot of examples and code snippets how to make artistic creations with CSS.

CSS, Art

Apr 17th, 2019

The Web Ahead podcast

In this podcast, Jen Simmons speaks with world experts on changing technologies and the future of the web.


Join the web developers community
Apr 17th, 2019


A complete open source analytics platform: frontend SDKs and API backed by a fully managed analytics infrastructure.

Analytics, JS

Apr 16th, 2019

Animating SVG with CSS

Web animations are a delight. They improve the user experience, as they can provide visual feedback, guide tasks, and jazz up a website. There are several ways to create web animations, including JavaScript libraries, GIFs, and embedded videos. Post written by Hope Armstrong.

SVG, Animation

Apr 16th, 2019


Draxt is an open-source utility module for selecting and manipulating filesystem objects in a Node.js environment. It uses glob patterns as its "selector engine" to select filesytem objects (files, directories, ...).

NodeJS, Filesystem, OpenSource

Apr 16th, 2019

How to Write an Awesome GitHub README

A README is a reflection of how a repository is maintained. A good one doesn't necessarily mean an active, bug-free project with perfect tests. But it suggests that the owner cares about you, the user (or future maintainer). Written by Andrew Healey

Git, Readme

Apr 16th, 2019


RSSHub is a lightweight and extensible RSS feed aggregator, it's able to generate feeds from pretty much everything.


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