Technological monitoring for web developers

Mar 28th, 2019


Apostrophe is an open source project with a healthy and growing community behind it, thanks to widespread developer interest in node.js and the rest of our technology stack, which also includes MongoDB and Nunjucks.


Mar 27th, 2019

React Hook Form

Performance, flexible and extensible forms with easy to use for validation. Built by Bill Luo with React Hook Form and React Simple Animate.

React, Hook, Form

Mar 26th, 2019

How to build a double slider sign-in and sign-up form

In this post, Florin Pop explains step by step how to build a double slider sign-in and sign-up form with a nice animation.

Form, SignIn, SignUp

Mar 26th, 2019


This minimalist Python web framework allows developers to build web applications in much the same way they would build any other object-oriented Python program.

Python, Framework

Mar 26th, 2019

A Complete Beginner's Guide to Vue

In this post, Ali Spittel teachs us how to start using the JS framewok VueJS in our web project to build our front-end.

JS, Vue

Mar 25th, 2019
- JOB -

Senior Web Developer

Evaluates new or modified programs based on business needs, produces technical specifications, and participates in architectural review. Develops, tests and implements applications using C#, .Net, ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, SQL Server 2016, Visual Studio 2015, XML, JQuery, JavaScript, JSON, AJAX, Knockout, Angular and SharePoint portal.

Dev fullstack

Mar 25th, 2019

CSS Day 2019

The seventh edition of CSS Day is here! Combined with a UI Special on Thursday, it promises to be even more fun than the sixth edition!


Mar 25th, 2019

Pixel Pioneers 2019

A one-day conference of practical and inspiring design and front-end talks, featuring eight world-class speakers, preceded by a workshop day.


Mar 25th, 2019


DropCSS is an unused CSS cleaner; it takes your HTML and CSS as input and returns only the used CSS as output.


Join the web developers community
Mar 25th, 2019


Griffith is a React-based web video player. It makes streaming easy. Whether your video format is mp4 or hls, Griffith can use Media Source Extension (MSE) for segment loading.

VideoPlayer, React

Mar 25th, 2019


Veonim is a simple modal IDE built on Neovim and VSCode extensions. The goal is to create my ideal programming environment.


Mar 25th, 2019


Sonic is a fast, lightweight and schema-less search backend. It ingests search texts and identifier tuples that can then be queried against in a microsecond's time.

Rust, Search

Mar 22nd, 2019

Getting started with PostCSS in 2019

In this post Emmanuel Yusufu explains how to use PostCSS to let you improve your front-end workflow in 2019.


Mar 22nd, 2019

Tailwind CSS v1.0.0-beta.1 is out!

My favorite CSS framework has launched its V1.0.0-beta version. Tailwind CSS is an utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.

CSS, Framework

Mar 20th, 2019

A JavaScript-Free Frontend

Slimvoice - A Webapp Without JavaScript is a series where Matt Reyer documents how he rebuilts his app, Slimvoice, using as little JavaScript as possible. He has tagged this series with JavaScript to present JavaScript alternatives and encourage those who reach for a SPA for every project to give it a second thought.


Mar 20th, 2019

Fuse JS

Fuse.js is an open source project and a popular JavaScript fuzzy-search library written and maintained by Kiro Risk.

JS, Search, Fuzzy-search

Mar 20th, 2019


Flatpickr is a lightweight, powerful JavaScript datetime picker with no dependencies.

JS, DatePicker

Mar 20th, 2019


The open source multicloud control plane. Workload portability across disparate environments, clusters, regions and clouds. Choose your flavors of cloud!


Join the web developers community
Mar 19th, 2019


Simple & light weight (2kb minified & zipped) vanilla javascript plugin to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scrolllll! Harness the power of the most intuitive interaction and make your websites come alive!

JS, ScrollEffect

Mar 19th, 2019

An Introduction to Web Components

In this article, Caleb Williams will discuss why Web Components are a great tool to deliver high-quality user experiences without complicated frameworks or build steps and that don’t run the risk of becoming obsolete. In subsequent articles of this five-part series, we will dive deeper into each of the specifications.


Mar 19th, 2019


Hexo is a fast, simple and powerful blog framework. You write posts in Markdown (or other languages) and Hexo generates static files with a beautiful theme in seconds. Lot of plugins and themes available.

Blog, JAMStack, JS, NodeJS, Git

Mar 19th, 2019

Progressive Web Apps

This Progressive Web Apps training shows you how to convert web pages to PWAs. The course is dedicated to beginner-to-intermediate web developers who are comfortable using HTML, CSS, and have modest facility with JavaScript.


Mar 19th, 2019


Submariner connects Kubernetes clusters together, no matter where they are in the world!

Docker, Kubernetes

Mar 18th, 2019
- JOB -

Backend JS Developer

In this position, you will participate in the evolution of one of the projects at the heart of Bankin': the connectors that refresh the accounts of our 2.9 million users every day.

Dev back
API Rest, JS

Mar 18th, 2019
- JOB -

Senior Web Developer

Responsible for the design, development, coding, and support of applications, online tools, and websites for SEIU’s Digital Strategy team.

Dev fullstack
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP

Mar 18th, 2019

IWD 19

The summit is a day-long event featuring speakers, panel discussions, hands-on workshops, tech communities/groups all centered on technology and networking. The event is open & free to the public, registration is obligatory.

Women, Tech, Makers

Mar 18th, 2019

Moment JS

Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times in JavaScript.

JS, Date, Validation

Join the web developers community
Mar 18th, 2019

Drupal Con 2019

More than 3,000 of the world's top Drupal contributors, influencers, and organizations will be at DrupalCon Seattle. Join us for this opportunity to access and engage with the decision-makers and minds who make Drupal happen.


Mar 18th, 2019

Giraffe Academy

Giraffe Academy is the place to be if you want to learn web technology online. Mike Dane makes an amazing work on his website and Youtube channel to create the highest quality and entertaining educational content on the internet.

YoutubeChannel, Web, Tutorial

Mar 18th, 2019

Make your site’s pages instant in 1 minute and improve your conversion rate by 1% Before a user clicks on a link, they hover their mouse over that link. When a user has hovered for 65 ms there is one chance out of two that they will click on that link, so starts preloading at this moment, leaving on average over 300 ms for the page to preload.

Preload, Hover, Performance

Mar 18th, 2019


A high-productivity, flexible web framework for the Go language.

Go, Framework

Mar 18th, 2019

Trix editor

Trix is an editor for writing messages, comments, articles, and lists—the simple documents most web apps are made of. It features a sophisticated document model, support for embedded attachments, and outputs terse and consistent HTML.

TextEditor, WYSIWYG

Mar 16th, 2019

Anonymous web authentication with Stellar blockchain

Learn how to use the combination of signed transactions and JWT tokens to authenticate users from a pair of cryptographic keys that identify the blockchain user. Post written by Viktor Sokolov & Sergey Nebolsin

Blockchain, Authentification

Mar 16th, 2019

Conditional CSS class rendering in Vue.js

When it comes to CSS class binding in Vue.js you have multiple options. You could just write just styles and classes inline. Post written by Nico Meyer.


Mar 15th, 2019

Gnome 3.32 is out

The latest version of GNOME 3 has been released today. Version 3.32 contains six months of work by the GNOME community and includes many improvements, performance improvements and new features.

Linux, Gnome

Mar 15th, 2019


PostGraphile automatically detects tables, columns, indexes, relationships, views, types, functions, comments, and more — providing a GraphQL server that is highly intelligent about your data, and that automatically updates itself without restarting when you modify your database.

GraphQL, Application

Join the web developers community
Mar 15th, 2019


Steem is an application-specific blockchain tailored for fast and functional social apps. It's a decentralized and Open Source blockhain protocol currently powering multiple social apps like

Blockchain, OpenSource

Mar 15th, 2019

Is input type=”date” ready for use in accessible websites?

HTML5 introduced a series of new input types for use in forms. One of these – input type="date" – was intended to simplify the collection of dates, and to reduce user errors whilst doing so. So in the 10 years since the proposed introduction of this element, is it well supported in browsers? Post written by Graham Armfieldy

DatePicker, Accessibility

Mar 15th, 2019


A JavaScript library that can upload anything you throw at it, optimizes images for faster uploads, and offers a great, accessible, silky smooth user experience.

JS, FileUploader

Mar 14th, 2019


Create and share beautiful images of your source code. Start typing or drop a file into the text area to get started.

Screenshot, CodeSnippet

Mar 14th, 2019


Hasura is a PaaS with BaaS components. It helps you deploy your custom code written in any language and framework.

GraphQL, PaaS, BaaS

Mar 14th, 2019


Gotify is a simple server for sending and receiving messages. You can send messages via a REST-API, subscribe/receive messages via a web socket connection and manage users, clients and applications.

Go, Messager, Websocket

Mar 14th, 2019


Complete courses about the best tools and design system. 17 courses (React, Vue, Swift, ScreenFlow, Cubase, Sketch ...), more coming.

React, Swift

Mar 14th, 2019


Generate a large collection of real faces to design your prototype.

UI, Faces, Avatars

Mar 13th, 2019

Laravel Nova

Nova is a beautifully designed administration panel for Laravel. Carefully crafted by the creators of Laravel to make you the most productive developer in the galaxy.

Laravel, Panel, CMS

Join the web developers community
Mar 13th, 2019

Create your own MailChimp clone for $5 a month with Sendy

In this post, Dave Kiss shows us how to host your own MailChimp clone on your own server for a measly $5 a month using the highly reliable Amazon SES service.

Newsletter, Sendy

Mar 13th, 2019

Kill Bill

Kill Bill is a platform for subscription billing and payments integration.
Its plug-in architecture allows you to easily apply custom logic and integrate with third party systems.

OpenSource, SubscriptionBilling, PaymentsIntegration

Mar 12th, 2019


Avataaars generator is a free online avatar generator for anyone to make their beautiful personal avatar easily! If you have no idea what kind of style you want, you can hit the random button at the very top of page until you find something you want.

Avatars, Generator

Mar 11th, 2019


Is IFPS the futur of web? IPFS is the distributed Web. A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open.

P2P, Protocol, IFPS

Mar 11th, 2019

JavaScript de Zéro

In this serie of video courses, Jérémy Mouzin helps you learn JavaScript (ES6+) without any programming knowledge. The first module is free and dedicated to beginners but Jérémy is working hard to prepare three other modules to let you become an intermediate, advanced and expert JS programmer. (For French listener)

JS, Videos, Courses

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