Global, automated cloud infrastructure from the broadest array of AMD and NVIDIA GPUs to virtual CPUs, bare metal, Kubernetes, storage, and networking solutions.
Alpine.js offers the reactive and declarative nature of big frameworks like Vue or React at a much lower cost. This interactive course will teach you the basics in less than an hour.
A free and open source code snippets manager for developers. It helps you create and organize your own personal snippets collection and have quick access to it.
Need some mock data to test your app? Mockaroo lets you generate up to 1,000 rows of realistic test data in CSV, JSON, SQL, and Excel formats. Download data using your browser or sign in and create your own Mock APIs.
A simple PHP API extension for DateTime.
Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies.
Automated dependency updates, Dependabot creates pull requests to keep your dependencies secure and up-to-date.
Do you love the JAMstack philosophy but need a database-backed web app? Want great developer experience and easy scaling? Redwood is here! Built on React, GraphQL, and Prisma, Redwood works with the components and development workflow you love, but with simple conventions and helpers to make your experience even better.
Your content driven static site generator.
Automate your development process quickly, safely, and at scale.
Automated dependency updates. Save time and reduce risk by automating dependency updates in software projects. Fully customizable with a setting to suit every workflow.
Give your pages some headroom. Hide your header until you need it.
A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance and extras.
PostHTML is a tool to transform HTML/XML with JS plugins. PostHTML itself is very small. It includes only a HTML parser, a HTML node tree API and a node tree stringifier.
Staart Site is a static site generator for helpdesk or documentation websites. It creates beautiful, accessible, and ultra-lightweight websites that score 100/100 on Lightbox.
Uppload is a better JavaScript image uploader. It’s highly customizable with 30+ plugins, completely free and open-source, and can be used with any file uploading backend.