Global, automated cloud infrastructure from the broadest array of AMD and NVIDIA GPUs to virtual CPUs, bare metal, Kubernetes, storage, and networking solutions.
Knex.js is a "batteries included" SQL query builder for Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3, Oracle, and Amazon Redshift designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use.
Objection.js is an ORM for Node.js that aims to stay out of your way and make it as easy as possible to use the full power of SQL and the underlying database engine while still making the common stuff easy and enjoyable.
Koa is a new web framework designed by the team behind Express, which aims to be a smaller, more expressive, and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs.
OpenLibra is a technology platform and currency for financial inclusion. An alternative to Facebook's Libra, that places emphasis on open governance and economic decentralization. is an Open Source alternative for Zapier/ Automate daily tasks, sync data, or react to events.
ForwardEmail is a free, encrypted, and open-source email forwarding service for custom domains.
Learn how to style a dropdown menu with Tailwind's utility classes.
I’ve started using an excellent piece of software called Restic for backing up my various hosts. Restic has multiple backend types that you can send your backups to. One of the backends it supports is a REST API for which there is an implementation named Rest Server written in Go. Post written by Mike Cardwell.
A list of Themes and Starters for JAMstack sites.
In this modern era of web development, we don’t really need a heavy-handed reset, or even a reset at all, because CSS browser compatibility issues are much less likely than they were in the old IE 6 days. Post written by Andy Bell.
GreenSock is a JavaScript plateform which makes it easy to animate HTML elements. As long as you have an understanding of HTML and CSS, along with a basic knowledge of JavaScript, you’ll be equipped with everything you need to build your animation with Greensock.
In yet another recent project, I’m building a book proposal submission platform with a Vuejs frontend and a Kirby CMS backend. Kirby supports the use of HTTP Basic Autentication to make interacting with it via a custom web client (e.g. Vuejs) nice and easy. In my case, I need to interact with Kirby securely to tell it to create a new page (a new “Book”) without requiring a user to create an account or login. Post written by Morgan Brown .
Splitting creates elements and adds CSS variables to unlock amazing possibilities for animating text, grids, and more!
Jamdocs - the ultimate static generated documentation theme for the JAM-stack.
Open source starter templates and components, a plugins directory and useful tools/utilities to kick start your Tailwind CSS project.