Global, automated cloud infrastructure from the broadest array of AMD and NVIDIA GPUs to virtual CPUs, bare metal, Kubernetes, storage, and networking solutions.
Vuelidate is a simple and lightweight model-based validation for Vue.js 2.0
Building accessible applications or websites is not the norm today. This is because the idea of accessibility is known to most developers, while in actual sense it is often neglected and not a common practice today in the world of web development. Post written by Egwuenu Gift.
MEAN.JS is a full-stack JavaScript solution that helps you build fast, robust, and maintainable production web applications using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js.
This release starts Django’s use of a loose form of semantic versioning, but there aren’t any major backwards incompatible changes (except that support for Python 2.7 is removed) that might be expected of a 2.0 release. Upgrading should be a similar amount of effort as past feature releases.
In this series of videos, Carrie Anne Philbin and the Crash Course team are going to trace the origins of our modern computers, take a closer look at the ideas that gave us our current hardware and software, discuss how and why our smart devices just keep getting smarter, and even look towards the future!
This online application algorithmically builds accessible color systems for your next project.
Open, customizable and skinnable platform dedicated to open data.
CodiMD is a real-time, multi-platform collaborative markdown note editor. This means that you can write notes with other people on your desktop, tablet or even on the phone.
Flexbox - The animated tutorial is a visual guide with animation on flexbox layout options.
An all in one and cross plateform prototyping tool for Vue developers.
Check this post written by Chris Coyier on mailto: links. "It's pretty easy to use, but as with anything web, there are lots of things to consider."
A backend agnostic REST and GraphQL based admin interface.
Apostrophe is an open source project with a healthy and growing community behind it, thanks to widespread developer interest in node.js and the rest of our technology stack, which also includes MongoDB and Nunjucks.
Performance, flexible and extensible forms with easy to use for validation. Built by Bill Luo with React Hook Form and React Simple Animate.
In this post, Florin Pop explains step by step how to build a double slider sign-in and sign-up form with a nice animation.