Technological monitoring for web developers

Feb 25th, 2019

ElmEurope 2019

Elm Europe will be a two-day conference dedicated to Elm, taking place at the EFREI Engineering School in Villejuif (near Paris, France) on June 27-28 2019. The event is organized by the Elm community, for the Elm community, with the willing of sharing knowledge, news about the language, and meeting interesting people.


Feb 25th, 2019


Use Rooftop CMS to build API-powered sites, with the WordPress UI for content editing.


Feb 25th, 2019

Le courrier du hackeur

This newsletter contains the best links of the week from "Le Journal du Hacker", the participatory link aggregator of the Open Source Software French community. You will therefore find articles from the main players such as LinuxFR, but also great articles from much less known sites or blogs curated by Carl Chenet.

Newsletter, OpenSource, French

Feb 25th, 2019

Responsive background images using React Hooks

In this post Siri Lööf shows us how to use React Hooks to handle responsive background images.

React, Hooks, Responsive

Feb 25th, 2019

15 Best Places to Learn How to Code in 2019

In this article, DeveloperDrive have collected 15 places where you can learn how to code in 2019. I would add "Frontend Masters" and "Pragmatic Studio".

Code, E-learning

Feb 25th, 2019

Material Kit

Free and Open Source UI Kit for Bootstrap 4, React, Vue.js, React Native, WordPress and Sketch.

UIKit, OpenSource

Feb 25th, 2019


Fedilab is a multifunctional Android client to access the distributed Fediverse, consisting of microblogging, photo sharing and video hosting.

Fediverse, AndroidApp

Feb 22nd, 2019

SEO 101

SEO 101 is a free (they just want your email) SEO learning platform for beginner. This beginner’s guide is a resource to learn the fundamentals of SEO in an easy-to-understand video format.

SEO, Beginner

Feb 21st, 2019


DigiKam is an open-source photo management application that runs on Linux, Windows, and MacOS platforms and comes with tools for importing, managing, editing, and sharing photos and raw files. The last version 6.0.0 has now video support and new export tools.

Photos, OpenSource

Join the web developers community
Feb 21st, 2019


Totally useless thus totally indispensable. Copy and paste Emoji to express your emotions, no apps required 👍


Feb 20th, 2019


KeystoneJS is an open source framework for developing database-driven websites, applications and APIs in Node.js. Built on Express and MongoDB.

Framework, NodeJS, CMS

Feb 20th, 2019

Code Shelter

Code Shelter is a collective of volunteer software developers that aims to help with maintaining popular open source projects whose authors need a hand or don't have the time to maintain them any more.

OpenSource, Volunteer

Feb 20th, 2019


FreedomBox is designed to be your own inexpensive server at home. It runs free software and offers an increasing number of services ranging from a calendar or jabber server to a wiki or VPN. Their web interface allows you to easily install and configure your apps.

Server, SelfHosting

Feb 19th, 2019


T3 is a client-side JavaScript framework for building large-scale web applications. It’s design is based on the principles of Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture.

JS, MicroFramework

Feb 19th, 2019


Do you want to run your own internet services? Email, chat, VoIP, web sites, file synchronisation, wikis, blogs, social networks, media hosting, backups, VPN. Freedombone is a home server system which enables you to self-host all of these things from your place of residence.

Hosting, Privacy, Server

Feb 18th, 2019

Don’t get clever with login forms

It’s important for websites to be aware of how users go about logging into their sites. Let’s walk through some login patterns and why Brad Frost thinks they’re not ideal. And then let’s look at some better ways of tackling login. Post written by Brad Frost.

Form, Login

Feb 18th, 2019

Using CSS Grid the right way

CSS Grid is robust, flexible, and a refreshing paradigm shift from other CSS layout systems. While these are selling points for Grid, they also make it hard to learn ... Post written by Violet.

CSS, Grid

Feb 18th, 2019
- JOB -

Head of Web Design

Carpe is looking for a 15hr/wk web designer (graphic design and implementation into front-end code). Carpe is a fast-growing startup that's bringing effective sweat solutions to millions of people who previously had to put up with sweaty hands, feet, and other body parts - our products are already in CVS, about to launch in Target, and are among the leading antiperspirants on Amazon.

Startup, Design

Join the web developers community
Feb 18th, 2019
- JOB -

Backend Developer

As well as helping to maintain and update an exciting catalogue of bespoke projects, you will get to develop custom back-end solutions for exciting new websites while working with a very passionate team. You'll get to develop with our own flexible custom CMS as well as working with the latest PHP frameworks.

Dev back
PHP, Framework, CMS

Feb 18th, 2019

The Internet Was Built on the Free Labor of Open Source Developers. Is That Sustainable?

I am pleased to see that an awareness of this problem is emerging in the media. Indeed open source is everywhere, in our mobile, in our car, in Bank, Hospital ... and nobody seems to care about its web developers sustainability.

OpenSource, Sustainability

Feb 18th, 2019

11 awesome JavaScript extensions for Visual Studio Code

James Quick has selected for us eleven JS extensions for your Visual Studio code editor.

VisualStudioCode, Extensions, JS

Feb 18th, 2019

LoRa Server

The LoRa Server project provides open-source components for building LoRaWAN networks. Together they form a ready-to-use solution, including an user-friendly web-interface and gRPC and REST APIs.

Server, LoRaWAN

Feb 18th, 2019

YGLF Lithuania

YGLF is a series of community events built by developers for developers, a non-profit conference aimed at delivering high-quality content on the hottest topics that cutting edge front-end developers need to know. Bringing in internationally recognized speakers and attendees, with the young and vibrant atmosphere of the front-end community, YGLF creates a buzzling bustle of software engineers from around the globe.

Web, Front

Feb 18th, 2019

Codeland conf

Technicals talks, workshops, and an evening afterparty sponsored by GitHub. Whether you're a year into your first dev job or you're finally considering a coding bootcamp, come for the inspiring content and stay for the incredible community.


Feb 16th, 2019


The open source ecosystem is awesome and Apexo is a good example. Apexo keep your dental clinic records at your finger tips with a beautifully designed application that meets most needs of any dental clinic. From patient records, history, appointments and scheduling, to finances and detailed reports.

OpenSource, DentalClinic

Feb 16th, 2019


The Lollipop Cloud project is an attempt to make hosting personal internet services such as a website, contact list, remote file storage, or a calendar more accessible to users through open source technology and ARM Computing.

Cloud, Privacy, SelfHosting

Feb 16th, 2019


UnDraw provides tons of open source illustrations to design your landing page, corporate website or whatever you want.

Illustrations, OpenSource

Join the web developers community
Feb 16th, 2019


Leon is an open-source personal assistant who can live on your server. He does stuff when you ask for it. You can talk to him and he can talk to you. You can also text him and he can also text you. If you want to, Leon can communicate with you by being offline to protect your privacy.


Feb 15th, 2019


Serposcope is a free and open-source rank tracker to monitor websites ranking in Google and improve your SEO performances.

SEO, Rank, OpenSource

Feb 15th, 2019


Podmap is an open-source app whose goals are: to map the world’s podcasts, to help you discover podcasts produced near you and to help you discover where your favorite podcasts are created.

Podcast, Map

Feb 14th, 2019

HTML slides without frameworks, just CSS

In this post, Chen Hui Jing,front-end designer and developer, shows us in detail how to build a minimalist HTML/CSS slides.

Slides, HTML, CSS

Feb 14th, 2019


Ovide is an experimental writing and publishing tool. It is made for context-intensive and polymorphic scholarly publishing activities. It is built on the shoulders of the peritext ecosystem and the quinoa project.

Print, CSS, Pagedjs, OpenSource

Feb 13th, 2019


Paged.js is an open-source library to paginate content in the browser. Based on the W3C specifications, it’s a sort of polyfill for Paged Media and Generated Content for Paged Media CSS modules.

Edition, CSS, PAO, Browser

Feb 13th, 2019


Termino is a alternative to Doodle and help you build a meeting poll to coordinate and share appointments.


Feb 13th, 2019


Frelm is another way of discovering Elm packages and an alternative to the official Elm package site . With Frelm you can search libraries, modules or repositories and filter by Elm version.

Elm, Packages

Feb 13th, 2019

Participate to the CSS survey 2019

After the success of the State of JavaScript survey Raphaël Benitte and Sacha Grief have decided to take on the CSS world! CSS has been around for a while but lately it's seen a lot of really big evolutions, both in the language itself (CSS Grid, Flexbox…) and the ecosystem (CSS-in-JS). And there's also the whole "great front-end divide" issue… So hopefully this survey will help developers everywhere identify the latest trends and make decisions on what to learn next.

CSS, Trend, Survey

Join the web developers community
Feb 13th, 2019


A proposed standard which allows websites to define security policies. security.txt defines a standard to help organizations define the process for security researchers to disclose security vulnerabilities securely.

Security, Standard

Feb 13th, 2019


Sails is the most popular MVC framework for Node.js, designed to emulate the familiar MVC pattern of frameworks like Ruby on Rails, but with support for the requirements of modern apps: data-driven APIs with a scalable, service-oriented architecture

Node, Framework, MVC

Feb 12th, 2019


Glide.js is a dependency-free JavaScript ES6 slider and carousel developed by Jędrzej Chałubek. It’s lightweight, flexible and fast. Designed to slide. No less, no more

JS, Slide

Feb 12th, 2019


Kamran Ahmed has developed this light-weight, no-dependency, vanilla JavaScript engine to drive user's focus across the page.

JS, Library

Feb 12th, 2019


Eleventy is a simpler static site generator and JavaScript alternative to Jekyll. It’s zero-config by default but has flexible configuration options. Eleventy works with your project’s existing directory structure.

Jamstack, JS, StaticSiteGenerator

Feb 12th, 2019

The ‘this’ keyword in JavaScript, demystified

In this post, Mohamad Abdullatif comes back on the "this" keyword used in JavaScript and very confusing for beginner learners

JS, This

Feb 12th, 2019

Vue.js + Bulma = Buefy

Buefy is a lightweight and reponsive UI components for Vue.js based on the Bulma CSS framework.

JS, VueJS, Bulma

Feb 11th, 2019

How To Secure A Linux Server

An evolving how-to guide for securing a Linux server that, hopefully, also teaches you a little about security and why it matters

Linux, Server, Security

Feb 11th, 2019

Invoice Neko

Invoice Neko is a self-hosted open sourced invoicing system built on a modern backend with a focus on delivering a good user experience throughout the application

Invoice, Receipt, OpenSource

Join the web developers community
Feb 10th, 2019
- JOB -

Front-End Engineer (React) - Mid-level

Goodlord exists to make renting simple and transparent for everyone. Our small, self-organising squads build the platforms and tools to help us achieve this mission. We're disrupting an industry, so there's plenty of thorny, real-world problems to solve on behalf of the agents, landlords and tenants that use our system.

Dev front

Feb 10th, 2019
- JOB -

Junior - Mid Web Developers

Have a passion for development within the games industry? Working within a fast moving industry, you will be directly involved in delivering cutting edge software for a variety of devices. We are looking for someone who lives and breathes technology, and would love the opportunity to get into native app development, API integration, cloud based computing and a variety of other exciting projects.

Dev front

Feb 10th, 2019

Python Pizza

Python Pizza is a micro conference organized by the Python Berlin Community.
We bring the Python Community together for some amazing original Pizza™ and Python Talks. We believe in and encourage practical sessions, in which developers share their experience and lessons from real-world projects, each talk is 10 mins long.


Feb 10th, 2019


Posteo is an alternative to Gmail and proposes 2 GB email account, upgradeable, IMAP/POP3, 50 MB attachments, calendar and address book (synchronisable), 100% green electricity from Greenpeace Energy. All saved data can be encrypted at the click of a button.

Mail, Privacy

Feb 10th, 2019

Switch helps you protect your data and privacy by proposing an ethical, easy-to-use and privacy-conscious alternatives to several GAFA's app, just choose the site or app you want to replace.

Privacy, Data, OpenSource

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