Technological monitoring for web developers

Feb 10th, 2019


Posteo is an alternative to Gmail and proposes 2 GB email account, upgradeable, IMAP/POP3, 50 MB attachments, calendar and address book (synchronisable), 100% green electricity from Greenpeace Energy. All saved data can be encrypted at the click of a button.

Mail, Privacy

Feb 10th, 2019

Switch helps you protect your data and privacy by proposing an ethical, easy-to-use and privacy-conscious alternatives to several GAFA's app, just choose the site or app you want to replace.

Privacy, Data, OpenSource

Feb 10th, 2019

The Inter font family

Inter is a typeface specially designed for user interfaces with focus on high legibility of small-to-medium sized text on computer screens.

Font, Design, OpenSource

Feb 9th, 2019

Data Terra Nemo 2019

Data Terra Nemo is a technical conference for hackers and computer scientists focused on distributed and decentralized systems.

Web, P2P

Feb 9th, 2019

Get your SVGs out of your HTML

In this post, Richard Schneeman shows us how to lighten our web page by getting out SVGs from our HTML.

CSS, SVG, Performance

Feb 9th, 2019

Code Triage

CodeTriage helps by picking a handful of open issues and delivering them directly to your inbox. After you sign up for CodeTriage, you pick the repos you want to help with, and we periodically send you issues.

OpenSource, Code, Issues

Feb 9th, 2019


The two developers Toby Zerner and Franz Liedke have revisited the forum software by building Flarum. It's fast, open source and comes with a fresh design.

Forum, OpenSource, Communication

Feb 8th, 2019

What is your reset/base css?

Ire Aderinokun presents in this article her solution to resetting some default browser styles, she also includes some utilities that she wants in every project.

CSS, Reset

Feb 8th, 2019


Aurelia is a collection of Modern JavaScript modules, which when used together, function as a powerful platform for building browser, desktop and mobile applications all open source and built on open web standards.

JS, OpenSource

Join the web developers community
Feb 8th, 2019


When your app polls for data, it becomes slow, unscalable, and cumbersome to maintain. RethinkDB is the open-source, scalable database that makes building realtime apps dramatically easier.

DataBase, Realtime

Feb 8th, 2019


This framework is an open source platform to design, build, and scale APIs for web and mobile apps in minutes instead of days.

Framework, OpenSource, API

Feb 7th, 2019


A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript validation library for Humans. V4f provides a lot of rules that you can use to build complex validation without the need to be a javascript expert.

JS, Form, Validation

Feb 5th, 2019


1000+ Pixel-perfect vector icons and Iconfont for your next project.

Icons, SVG

Feb 5th, 2019

Thumbprint Design System

Assets for building high-quality, consistent user experiences at Thumbtack.

DesignSystem, Thumbprint, UX, UI

Feb 5th, 2019

Exploring JS

This book written by Axel Rauschmayer covers ECMAScript 6 in depth, but is structured so that you can also quickly get an overview if you want to. If you are a programmer and want to learn JavaScript (up to and including ECMAScript 5), check out Axel’s book “Speaking JavaScript” (free online).


Feb 5th, 2019


ArchiveBox takes a list of website URLs you want to archive, and creates a local, static, browsable HTML clone of the content from those websites (it saves HTML, JS, media files, PDFs, images and more).

Archives, Web

Feb 4th, 2019


Mautic is an open-source marketing automation project build on PHP and MySQL. Mautic is also supported by a large community. If you are interested by marketing automation, you should probably check this out.

MarketingAutomation, OpenSource

Feb 4th, 2019

Understanding API-Based Platforms: A Guide For Product Managers

API-based solutions are becoming a critical building block of modern digital products. What are they? How can they impact your design process? Finally, how to evaluate them without bothering your software team? Post written by Mike Sędzielewski


Join the web developers community
Feb 4th, 2019
- JOB -

F/T Web Developer

The Web Developer position at Paper Leaf is a full-stack one – so experience and/or interest in both front and back end is a must. You’ll be working in a modern web development environment (git, version control, etc) on large/complex content managed sites (primarily WordPress – custom builds, not theme customizations), eCommerce sites, web applications (Laravel, React) and mobile applications (React Native, Ionic) for clients ranging from established businesses to international organizations and government corporations.

Dev fullstack
WordPress, Git, React, Laravel

Feb 4th, 2019
- JOB -

Senior Software Engineer - Product

We’re looking for a Senior software Engineers to lead and motivate our high-performing product team, responsible for development of core products, key to the attendee experience. Ruby on Rails is the core technology, but we also like Python, Scala and Go

Dev back
RubyOnRails, Git, AWS, Agile

Feb 4th, 2019


All your communication in one place. Franz is a cross-platform messaging app for WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Slack, HipChat, Telegram and many many more.

Messagerie, OpenSource

Feb 1st, 2019

A Beginner’s Guide to Server-Side Web Development with Node.js

If you want to discover Node.js, this beginner’s guide to server-side web development with Node.js written by Chen Hui Jing is for you.


Feb 1st, 2019

Email know how to run

Here is a fun little email signup form using splitting.js design by Adam Kuhn. The email characters you type in literally grows legs and runs into the signup button!

CSS, JS, Animation

Feb 1st, 2019

Primer CSS

Primer CSS is a CSS framework built by Github. It provided several ready mae components like breadcrumb, buttons, navigation pagination ... Their approach to CSS is influenced by Object Oriented CSS principles, functional CSS, and BEM architecture.

CSS, Framework, Github, Components

Jan 31st, 2019

CSS - background clip

Stefan Judis, front-end developer, explains in this post how background clip is configurable for every background gradient separately. This post is part of his "Today I learned" series in which he shares all his learnings regarding web development.

CSS, BackgroundClip

Jan 30th, 2019

Tachyon animate

Tachyon animate by Andrew Nater is a single purpose classes to help you orchestrate CSS animations.

CSS, Animations

Jan 29th, 2019

WebAuthn guide

This guide is an introduction to Web Authentication (WebAuthn), the new API that can replace passwords with strong authentication.

Security, Authentification

Join the web developers community
Jan 29th, 2019

Newsletter guide

If you intend to launch a newsletter, this guide is a must read. Thanks to Emily Roseman, Caroline Porter, Joseph Lichterman, Jacqueline Boltik, Charley Bodkin, Francisco Rivera, Abigail Hartstone, and Bobby Courtney for their amazing work.

Newsletter, Guide

Jan 29th, 2019

Inclusive Components

A blog trying to be a pattern library. All about designing inclusive web interfaces, piece by piece. If you are interested by this subject, you could also be interested by the author's e-book "Inclusive Components". This blog is written by Cole Henley.


Jan 29th, 2019 monitors 3,617,944 open source packages across 36 different package managers, so you don't have to.

Libraries, Packages

Jan 28th, 2019

Eva Icons

Eva Icons is a pack of more than 480 beautifully crafted Open Source icons for common actions and items.

Icons, OpenSource

Jan 28th, 2019

Camp Digital 2019

Camp Digital is an inspirational conference that brings together the digital, design and UX communities for a series of seminars exploring the latest thinking in our industry.

UX/UI, Design, Web, CampDigital

Jan 28th, 2019


This autocomplete resource is a simple pure vanilla Javascript library that's progressively designed for speed, high versatility and seamless integration with wide range of projects & systems. This library has been developed by Tarek Raafat.

JS, Library, iAutocomplete

Jan 28th, 2019


Akira is a Kickstarter project to build a new open source and Linux compatible UI/UX design tool which will come with version control baked into its file format. If you want this project become a reality, back it on Kickstarter.

Linux, UIUXSoftware, OpennSource

Jan 28th, 2019


Octobox is the tool for developers working on GitHub who find notifications infuriating. If you don’t want to miss another mention, if you don’t want misplace another issue and, if you don’t want to manage your workflow though email: you need to try Octobox.

Github, Git, Notifications

Jan 28th, 2019


Destyle.css is a reset stylesheet that provides a clean slate for styling your html. Made with love by Nicolas Cusan.

CSS, Starter, Reset

Join the web developers community
Jan 28th, 2019

Stack of Stack

Stack of the Stack is a hand curated list of the best curated lists (Startup, Design, Code, Growth, Mobile app, Remote jobs)


Jan 28th, 2019


Starter is an open-source command line tool to generate a Dockerfile and a service.yml file from arbitrary source code. Starter is maintained by Cloud 66.

Docker, Dockerfile

Jan 27th, 2019


DEVit is the leading web developer conference in South East Europe. Organized once per year, DEVit has become known for its top speaking talent, a mixture of world-class and world-renowned developers, highly specialized technology niches and developers who are on the edge of technology frontiers.

Web, Dev

Jan 27th, 2019


This conference is a Open-Source community event which will share all their data about the conference, in full transparency. They are also available at any time for inquires and they are really looking forward to sharing their knowledge about organizing international events. This way, whenever a community wants to start something similar, they can build on their knowledge.

Web, OpenSource

Jan 27th, 2019


PWAFire helps web developers to build their Progressive Web App by providing resources, access to a Slack community and last but not least, amazing T-shirt.

ProgressiveWebApp, Community

Jan 27th, 2019


This open source media manager streams the music to your player / web browser. It is a web-based PHP, MySQL application with an easy web install system. Ampache provides Nginx, Caddy, Lighttpd, Apache config file instruction in its documentation to help you set up your web server.

Music, Video, OpenSource, Streaming, MediaManagement

Jan 26th, 2019

Approaches for a CSS Masonry Layout

Masonry layout, on the web, is when items of an uneven size are laid out such that there aren't uneven gaps. I would guess the term was coined (or at least popularized) for the web by David DeSandro because of his popular Masonry JavaScript library, which has been around since 2010. By Chris Coyier from CSS_Tricks.

CSS, JS, Masonry, Layout, Grid

Jan 26th, 2019

Linux Hardening Checklist

This simple checklist is to help you deploying the most important areas of the GNU/Linux production systems. Thanks to Trimstray.

Linux, Security, Administration

Jan 26th, 2019


qTox is a new kind of instant messaging. With the rise of government monitoring programs, qTox provides an easy to use application that allows you to connect with friends and family without anyone else listening in. While other big-name services require you to pay for features, qTox is totally free, and comes without advertising.

Messagerie, OpenSource, Privacy

Join the web developers community
Jan 26th, 2019


Devrelcon is a conference about developer relations, developer experience, developer community, APIs and developer marketing. Welcome in Tokyo.

Dev, API, Marketing

Jan 26th, 2019

Mini Diary

Writer, this app is for you. Mini Diary is a cross-platform, simple and secure journal app created and developed by Samuel Meuli.


Jan 26th, 2019
- JOB -

DevOps - Infrastructure Engineer

At Lever, we’re building next-generation collaboration software that helps companies bring more transparency, participation, and engagement to their hiring. As an Infrastructure Engineer, you’ll help us keep Lever ahead of customer growth by making continual scaling improvements to the underlying infrastructure and help our product engineering team move quickly with confidence.

Dev Ops
Derby, AWS, Docker, Node, Mongo, Redis

Jan 26th, 2019
- JOB -

Front-end developer

Honeypot is looking for a front-end developer to design, develop and maintain their platform and to building a well-tested and scalable application.

Dev front
HTML, CSS, JS, Framework, Agile

Jan 26th, 2019


CSSCamp is the first CSS one-day, one-track conference for Web designers and developers in Barcelona.


Join the web developers community