Technological monitoring for web developers

Mar 1st, 2022

Frontmatter CMS

Front Matter is a CMS that runs within Visual Studio Code. It gives you the power and control of a full-blown CMS while also providing you the flexibility and speed of the static site generator of your choice. Jump right into editing and creating content with Front Matter and be able to preview it straight in VS Code.

JAMstack, VScode, Static, CMS

Mar 1st, 2022


ASCIIFlow is a client-side only web based application for drawing ASCII diagrams.

ASCII, Diagrams, Asciiflow

Feb 27th, 2022

Svelte Themes

Find themes and resources for Svelte/Sveltekit.

Svelte, Sveltekit, Resources, Themes

Feb 25th, 2022

JSON Placeholder

Free fake API for testing and prototyping.

API, JSON, Placeholder

Feb 23rd, 2022

PWA for Kirby

Turns your website into a PWA: progressive web app. This plugin turns your project into a PWA (progressive web app) for Kirby 3.


Feb 23rd, 2022


The adaptive interface system for modern web experiences. Interfaces built with FAST adapt to your design system and can be used with any modern UI Framework by leveraging industry standard Web Components.

WebComponents, JavaScript, Fast

Feb 18th, 2022

Hue Tools

Hue Tools is an open source toolbox for colors developed in Svelte/Sveltekit.

Colors, HueTools

Feb 13th, 2022


A blazing fast unit-test framework powered by Vite ⚡️

Test, Vite, JavaScript, Vitest

Feb 11th, 2022


Tonic is a component framework that takes this minimal yet elegant approach and works perfectly with Jamstack, as it doesn’t use virtual DOM and is server-side rendered by default. It’s based on web components and can be used out of the box without a build tool.

Components, Framework, Tonic

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Feb 11th, 2022


Everything you need to accept Stripe payments with your Svelte projects. SvelteKit is fully supported.

Svelte, Stripe

Feb 11th, 2022


A friendly programming language from the future. Unison is an open source functional programming language based on a simple idea with big implications: code is content-addressed and immutable.

Language, Functionnal Programming, Open Source, Unison

Feb 8th, 2022


Sveltin is a CLI created to boost the developers productivity working on SvelteKit powered static websites.

Svelte, Sveltekit, CLI, Sveltin

Feb 7th, 2022

Files gallery

Single-file PHP app that can be dropped into any folder, instantly creating a gallery of files and folders.

Gallery, PHP, Files gallery

Feb 4th, 2022


Vitebook is a fast and lightweight alternative to Storybook that's powered by Vite.

Components, Vite, Vitebook

Feb 4th, 2022


Build full-stack and completely reactive user interfaces with PHP.

PHP, JavaScript, UI, Reactiv, Viewi

Feb 2nd, 2022

Block Protocol

A powerful new protocol for developers. Build and use interactive blocks connected to the world of structured data. An open standard for building and using data-driven blocks.

Block, Protocol

Jan 30th, 2022


The next generation web framework for Cloudflare Workers

Cloudfare, Framework, Workers, Worktop

Jan 24th, 2022


Capacitor is an open source native runtime for building Web Native apps. Create cross-platform iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Mobile, JavaScript, OpenSource, CapacitorJS

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Jan 24th, 2022

All developer news in one place. Get a feed of the hottest developer news. Read more quality articles. Stay up to date. Save time.

RSS, DevNews,

Jan 23rd, 2022


A modern, open-source headless commerce framework built with TypeScript & Nodejs.

E-commerce, headless, Nodejs, Typescript, Vendure

Jan 22nd, 2022


A second brain, for you, forever. Obsidian is a powerful knowledge base on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files.

Documents, Organization, Markdown, Obsidian

Jan 20th, 2022


Blot is a blogging platform with no interface. It turns a folder into a website, like magic.

Blog, Flatfile, Blot

Jan 17th, 2022


Next generation block styled editor. Free. Use for pleasure.

JavaScript, Editor, Editor.js

Jan 16th, 2022


Self-hosted, Node.js based analytics tool for those who care about privacy. Ackee runs on your own server, analyzes the traffic of your websites and provides useful statistics in a minimal interface.

Analytics, Nodejs, Selfhosted, Ackee

Jan 15th, 2022


Simple.css is a classless CSS framework that makes semantic HTML look good, really quickly. By classless it means that there are no CSS classes anywhere in the CSS or the HTML. So your website can look just like this using plain old vanilla HTML.

Css, Framework, Simplecss

Jan 15th, 2022


Preview UI components in your IDE instantly.

UI, Components, IDE, previewjs

Jan 14th, 2022


Qwik is designed for the fastest possible page load time, by deliving pure HTML with near 0 javascript for your pages to become interactive, regardless of how complex your site or app is. It achieves this via resumability of HTML and ultra fine-grained lazy-loading of code.

Html, Performance, Qwik

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Jan 9th, 2022


Code, create, and learn together. Use our free, collaborative, in-browser IDE to code in 50 languages without spending a second on setup.

Online IDE, Browser, Replit

Jan 9th, 2022


The Full-Stack addition to SvelteKit. Write your server code inside .svelte files, handle sessions, forms and SEO easily. Svemix is Remix for Svelte providing server scripts inside your Svelte components/routes, which will be transformed into endpoints.

Svemix, Svelte, Sveltekit

Dec 30th, 2021


Knex.js is a "batteries included" SQL query builder for PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3, Oracle, and Amazon Redshift designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use. It features both traditional node style callbacks as well as a promise interface for cleaner async flow control, a stream interface, full-featured query and schema builders, transaction support (with savepoints), connection pooling and standardized responses between different query clients and dialects.

JavaScript, SQL, Knex

Dec 18th, 2021

Open Props

Open source CSS custom properties to help accelerate adaptive and consistent design. Available from a CDN or NPM, as CSS or JavaScript.

CSS Framework, Variables, Open Props

Dec 11th, 2021

Tailwind CSS 3.0

Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML. A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes like flex, pt-4, text-center and rotate-90 that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup.

CSS, Framework, TailwindCSS

Nov 17th, 2021


The instant on-demand Atomic CSS engine. UnoCSS is an engine instead of a framework because there are no core utilities - all the functionalities are provided via presets or inline configurations. We are imagining UnoCSS being able to simulate the functionalities of most of the existing atomic CSS frameworks. And possibly have been used as the engine to create some new atomic CSS frameworks!

CSS, AtomicDesign, Unocss

Oct 31st, 2021

End-to-End-Encrypted contact form with OpenPGP.js

An end-to-end-encrypted contact will allow communications to stay between a user and you. Email or backend service providers would not understand the message but can still record meta data. This solution is ideal for handling sensitive communications.

ContactForm, OpenPGP

Oct 26th, 2021


Jellyfin is the volunteer-built media solution that puts you in control of your media. Stream to any device from your own server, with no strings attached. Your media, your server, your way.

Open Source, Media Server, Jellyfin

Oct 12th, 2021


Splide is a flexible and lightweight (26kB) slider written in TypeScript. It helps you to create various kinds of sliders by just changing options, such as multiple slides, thumbnails, nested sliders, vertical direction and more. Besides, you can enhance default features by using APIs or building extensions.

JavaScript, Slider, Splidejs

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Sep 23rd, 2021

Motion One

A new animation library, built on the Web Animations API for the smallest filesize and the fastest performance.

Animation, API, Library, MotionOne

Sep 22nd, 2021


Pollen is a library of CSS variables for rapid prototyping, consistent styling, and as a zero-runtime utility-first foundation for your own design systems. Heavily inspired by TailwindCSS.

CSS, Varibale, Library, Pollen

Sep 15th, 2021


jlottie is a Lottie player written in javascript with an aim to have the smallest possible file size. jlottie is suitable as a general purpose lottie player, though implements a subset of the features in the core player - this approach leads to a tiny footprint and great performance.

Animation, JavaScript, jlottie

Sep 9th, 2021


Azimutt allows you to explore your schema: search for relevant tables, follow the relations, hide less interesting columns and even find the paths between tables

Elm, SQL, Azimutt

Sep 5th, 2021


Free Components libraryfor utility first CSS frameworks.

Components, CSS, Tailwind, DaisyUI

Aug 19th, 2021


Commentator is a simple application which provide all you need to have a powerful commenting system on your blogs or websites.

Comment, S3Bucket, Commentator

Aug 13th, 2021

The Ultimate Guide to Browser-Side Storage

It’s usually necessary to store user data server side in a database or similar repository. This guarantees persistence and ensures users can access their data from any web-connected browser (presuming your storage system is reliable, of course!) But sometime, storing data in the browser could become a more viable option. Post by Craig Buckler.

Browser, LocalStorage

Jul 29th, 2021


Slinkity is a plugin that can extend any 11ty site. Unlocks component frameworks (React, Vue, and Svelte) for writing page templates and layout templates. Includes powerful shortcodes to insert components into existing pages. Hydrates these component-driven pages on the client. (Optionally) Turns your site into a single page app.

JAMstack, Components, Eleventy, Slinkity

Jul 28th, 2021

Thinking About The Cut-Out Effect: CSS or SVG?

In a recent front-end project, one of the components included an interesting cut-out effect. There are multiple ways to do such an effect in CSS or SVG, but each way has its pros and cons. I thought about exploring the solutions for this challenge and share them with you. By Ahmad Shadeed

CSS, Cut-out Effect

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Jul 27th, 2021


You can create a Total.js server-side application with the help of Total.js AppBuilder. It's effortless and very comfortable. A significant advantage is a design architecture overview and reusing the design or its parts between different projects.

No-Code, Total.js, Open Source

Jul 25th, 2021


Ferdi is a messaging browser that allows you to combine your favorite messaging services into one application.

Messaging, Application, Ferdi

Jul 18th, 2021

Excellent Free Tutorials to Master Programming

A curated list of tutorials. Better than that. A curated list of the finest free tutorials.

Languages, Tutorials, Programming

Jul 3rd, 2021


petite-vue is an alternative distribution of Vue optimized for progressive enhancement. It provides the same template syntax and reactivity mental model with standard Vue. However, it is specifically optimized for "sprinkling" small amount of interactions on an existing HTML page rendered by a server framework.

VueJS, Petite-Vue

Jun 29th, 2021

Responsible Web Application

With modern HTML and CSS, we can create responsive and accessible web apps with relative ease. In my years of doing software development, I have learned some HTML and CSS tips and tricks, and I want to present these in this post. This list is not exhaustive, but these are tried and true patterns that I frequently use in different projects.

HTML, CSS, Responsive, Accessible

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