Global, automated cloud infrastructure from the broadest array of AMD and NVIDIA GPUs to virtual CPUs, bare metal, Kubernetes, storage, and networking solutions.
The Largest Library of Open-Source UI. Community-built library of UI elements. Copy as HTML/CSS, Tailwind, React and Figma.
Connect your notes, increase understanding.
The best monetization platform for developers. Get paid coding on your passion. Leave upsales, billing and international taxes to us.
Build material design in record time without stress for devs.
Need the power of language models but don't want to send away your documents and data? Use Dot.
Share files to nearby devices. Free, open-source, cross-platform.
A link aggregator for the fediverse. Lemmy is a selfhosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top.
HyperUI is a collection of free Tailwind CSS components that can be used in your next project. With a range of components, you can build your next marketing website, admin dashboard, eCommerce store and much more.
Public Work is a search engine for public domain content. Explore 100,000+ copyright-free images from The MET, New York Public Library, and other sources.
Recall is the flashcards application for efficient learners.
Deploy and scale your favorite open source applications effortlessly with one click - for half the price of major cloud hosts
Every chart in this project relies solely on semantic markup — table based — and a spread of CSS variables carried by the tags. No JavaScript required for display, and styles are progressively enhanced depending on your browser's capabilities.
Explore more than 800 million creative works. An extensive library of free stock photos, images, and audio, available for free use.
Private machine translation, running locally on your device.
Convert and compress images superfast.