Technological monitoring for web developers

Apr 21st, 2021


Next comment tool for your website. Open source, lightweight (4.7kb gzip), privacy-friendly alternative to Disqus.

OpenSource, Comments, Cusdis

Apr 16th, 2021


A simple terminal UI for git commands, written in Go with the gocui library.

Git, UI, Terminal, LasyGit

Apr 10th, 2021

Windi CSS

Windi CSS is the next generation Tailwind CSS compiler. If you are already familiar with Tailwind CSS, think about Windi CSS as an alternative to Tailwind, which provides faster load times, and supports all the features in Tailwind v2.0 and more.

CSS, Compiler, WindiCSS

Apr 6th, 2021


Git Command Explorer allows you to find the right commands you need without digging through the web.

Git, Command, Search, Gitexplorer

Apr 4th, 2021


A simple base class for creating fast, lightweight web components

Component, LitElement

Mar 30th, 2021

Deno Deploy

Deno Deploy is a distributed system that runs JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly at the edge, worldwide. The service deeply integrates the V8 JavaScript runtime with a high performance asynchronous web server to provide optimal performance without unnecessary intermediate abstractions.

Deno, Deployment, Serverless

Mar 29th, 2021

Build your own X

A list of tutorials to build your own ... X. "What you cannot create, I do not understand" - Richard Feynman

Build, Tuto

Mar 22nd, 2021


The Component IDE for Web Developers

Components, Framework, IDE

Mar 12th, 2021


Swiper is the most modern free mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions and amazing native behavior. It is intended to be used in mobile websites, mobile web apps, and mobile native/hybrid apps.


Join the web developers community
Mar 12th, 2021


Guide your users through a tour of your app.

JS, Tooltips

Mar 12th, 2021

Maximally optimizing image loading for the web in 2021

In this post the author will outline 8 image loading optimization techniques to minimize both the bandwidth used for loading images on the web and the CPU usage for image display.

Image, Optimization

Mar 10th, 2021

1 line layouts

10 Modern CSS layout and sizing techniques that highlight just how robust and impactful a single-line of styling code can be.

CSS, Layout

Mar 10th, 2021

SVG Repo

Explore, search and find the best fitting icons or vectors for your projects using wide variety vector library. Download free SVG Vectors for commercial use.

SVG, Icons

Mar 5th, 2021

Svelte NodeGUI

Build performant, native, cross-platform desktop apps with Svelte.

Svelte, Desktop, SvelteNodeGUI

Feb 25th, 2021


Agorakit is web-based, open source groupware for collectives. By creating collaborative groups, people can discuss topics, organize events, store files and keep everyone updated as needed. Agorakit is a forum, calendar, file manager, mapping tool and email notifier.

Open Source, PHP, Groupware, Agorakit

Feb 23rd, 2021


Looking for the perfect illustration? Discover the CocoMaterial, the Open Source hand-drawn illustration library.

Illustration, OpenSource, CocoMaterial

Feb 23rd, 2021


Penpot is the first Open Source design and prototyping platform meant for cross-domain teams. Non dependent on operating systems, Penpot is web based and works with open web standards (SVG). For all and empowered by the community.

OpenSource, Prototyping, SVG, Penpot

Feb 21st, 2021


Terminal over HTTP and https. WeTTy is an alternative to ajaxterm and anyterm but much better than them because WeTTy uses xterm.js which is a full fledged implementation of terminal emulation written entirely in JavaScript. WeTTy uses websockets rather then Ajax and hence better response time.

Terminal, Browser, WeTTy

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Feb 21st, 2021

PHP Server Monitor

Open source tool to monitor your servers and websites. PHP Server Monitor is a script that checks whether your websites and servers are up and running. It comes with a web based user interface where you can manage your services and websites, and you can manage users for each server with a mobile number and email address.

Monitoring, Server, Website, PhpServerMonitor

Feb 21st, 2021


Lychee is a free photo-management tool, which runs on your server or web-space. Installing is a matter of seconds. Upload, manage and share photos like from a native application. Lychee comes with everything you need and all your photos are stored securely.

Photo, Manager, OpenSource, Lychee

Feb 20th, 2021

SK Incognito

An unofficial SvelteKit documentation.

Svelte, Documentation, Sveltekit

Feb 14th, 2021


A rapid way to document your Svelte things.

Svelte, Documentation

Feb 14th, 2021


Castopod is an open-source hosting platform made for podcasters who want engage and interact with their audience.

POdcast, Hosting, Open Source, Castopod, PHP

Feb 14th, 2021


Create your own Website or Blog in seconds. Simple, Fast, Secure, Flat-File CMS.

CMS, FlatFiles, PHP

Feb 14th, 2021


Strut is an HTML5 presentation editor.

Slide, HTML

Feb 14th, 2021

Node Red

Node-RED is a programming tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services in new and interesting ways. It provides a browser-based editor that makes it easy to wire together flows using the wide range of nodes in the palette that can be deployed to its runtime in a single-click.

LowCode, Open Source

Feb 14th, 2021

All Tube Download

AllTube Download is a web page which allows you to copy an URL of your video (YouTube, Dailymotion, etc.) and get a mp4 file. This web application is based on Youtube-dl. If you prefer a CLI, install Youtube-dl on your computer.

Youtube, Download, mp4

Join the web developers community
Feb 12th, 2021


SVGwaves is a CSS / SVG generator waves and allow you to draw waves in your browser.

Wave, SVG, svgwaves

Feb 12th, 2021

VSCode Stripe Extension

Stripe’s extension for Visual Studio Code makes it easy to generate sample code, view API request logs, forward events to your application, and use Stripe within your editor.

VSCode, Stripe, Extension

Feb 11th, 2021

Crown framework

Launch an amazing storefront on top of your existing e-commerce platform. Crown is a JAMstack e-commerce framework build on top of Svelte and Sveltkit.

E-Commerce, JAMstack, Framework, Crown

Feb 10th, 2021

Static Form

Simple HTML form for your website. Integrate HTML forms easily without any server side code. After user submits the form we'll send you content of the form to your registered email.

Jamstack, Form, StaticForm

Feb 7th, 2021

Swanky Docs

A simple, flexible and powerful ecosystem for creating beautiful documentation.

Documentation, Swanky Docs

Feb 7th, 2021

Svelte News

The latest news on the Svelte framework.

Svelte, News

Feb 5th, 2021


ReScript is the language for folks who don't necessarily love JavaScript, but who still acknowledge its importance. ReScript looks like JavaScript, works like JavaScript, works with JavaScript, and compiles to the highest quality of clean, readable and performant JavaScript, directly runnable in the browser and Node.js.

JavaScript, Compilation, MetaLanguage, ReScript

Feb 4th, 2021


The YaCy search engine software provides results from a network of independent peers, instead of a central server. It is a distributed network where no single entity decides what to list or order it appears in.

Search, P2P, YaCy

Feb 3rd, 2021


Paged.js is a free and open source JavaScript library that paginates content in the browser to create PDF output from any HTML content. This means you can design works for print (eg. books) using HTML and CSS!

PDF, HTML, CSS, Pagination, JavaScript, Pagejs

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Feb 2nd, 2021


Next Generation Frontend Tooling. Vite (French word for "fast", pronounced /vit/) is a new breed of frontend build tool that significantly improves the frontend development experience.

Tooling, JavaScript, Vite

Feb 1st, 2021

The Catalog of Design Patterns

Refactoring.Guru makes it easy for you to discover everything you need to know about refactoring, design patterns, SOLID principles, and other smart programming topics.


Jan 24th, 2021


An open source platform for building a writing space on the web.

Fediverse, ActivityPub, Blog, WriteFreely

Jan 21st, 2021


Zola is a static site generator (SSG), similar to Hugo, Pelican, and Jekyll. It is written in Rust and uses the Tera template engine, which is similar to Jinja2, Django templates, Liquid, and Twig. Content is written in CommonMark, a strongly defined, highly compatible specification of Markdown.

SSG, Rust, Zola

Jan 21st, 2021


An Express-inspired web framework written in Go. Fiber is a Go web framework built on top of Fasthttp, the fastest HTTP engine for Go. It's designed to ease things up for fast development with zero memory allocation and performance in mind.

Framework, Go, Fiber

Jan 20th, 2021


CodeSwing is a VSCode extension and an interactive coding environment for building web applications. CodePen in your VSCode editor!

Editor, VSCode

Jan 19th, 2021


Agile Content Manage­ment with JSON & Git. FrontAid CMS is a decoupled and Git-based content management system. Content is stored in your own Git repository in the JSON text format. It works with all your current tools and you always own your data.

JAMstack, Git, JSON, CMS, Frontaid

Jan 14th, 2021

Snowpack 3.0

Snowpack v3.0 is here! This is the biggest release yet with brand new features including: Pre-bundled Streaming imports - Import any npm package, on-demand. Integrated build optimizations - Built-in bundling, preloading, minification, and more. JavaScript API - Integrate with Snowpack’s brand new native JS API. Node.js Runtime API - Import your Snowpack-built files directly into Node.js. Bug fixes, stability improvements, and a whole lot more!

Bundle, Snowpack

Jan 9th, 2021


A painless, self-hosted Git service. Easy to install, lightweight and Open Source.

Git, OpenSource

Join the web developers community
Jan 6th, 2021


Lunr enables you to provide a great search experience without the need for external, server-side, search services.

Search, JavaScript, Lunr

Jan 5th, 2021

Tiny Helper

A collection of free single-purpose online tools for web developers.

Tools, Development, TinyHelper

Jan 1st, 2021

Tailwind Kit

A beautiful and large components kit for TailwindCSS 2.0. tailwind Kit gives you access to over 200 CSS responsive components, based on Tailwind CSS 2.0 and Font Awesome. It's all free and open-source.

Tailwindcss, CSS, UI, TailwindKit

Dec 31st, 2020

Tailwindcss Forms

A plugin that provides a basic reset for form styles that makes form elements easy to override with utilities.

CSS, Tailwindcss, Forms

Dec 22nd, 2020


Hotwire is an alternative approach to building modern web applications without using much JavaScript by sending HTML instead of JSON over the wire.

JavaScript, HTML, WebAppBuilder, Hotwire

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