Global, automated cloud infrastructure from the broadest array of AMD and NVIDIA GPUs to virtual CPUs, bare metal, Kubernetes, storage, and networking solutions.
Create simple comic strips in just a few clicks.
Artvee is an open source archive of over 100,000 public domain works, including illustrations, photos, drawings and paintings. Download art for free in high resolution.
Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter. It's also open source. Mac, Windows, Linux.
Protomaps is an open source map of the world, deployable as a single static file on cloud storage.
matcha.css is a pure CSS library designed to style HTML elements similarly to a default browser stylesheet, eliminating the need for users to manually patch their documents.
Ideal for fast prototyping, static HTML pages, Markdown-generated documents, and developers seeking to streamline their workflow without delving into CSS intricacies and want to make use of the full range of available HTML elements.
A data hoarder’s dream come true: bundle any web page into a single HTML file. You can finally replace that gazillion of open tabs with a gazillion of .html files stored somewhere on your precious little drive.
MicroBin is a feature rich, performant and secure text and file sharing web application, a "paste bin". Imagine cloud storage, but simpler, and with cool features like URL redirection, automatic file expiry , raw file serving support and 3 possible levels of encryption.
Jampack is a post-processing tool that takes the output of your Static Site Generator (aka SSG) and optimizes it for best user experience and best Core Web Vitals scores.
Online motion design and video editor.
Easily display interactive 3D models on the web & in AR
Servo is a web rendering engine written in Rust, with WebGL and WebGPU support, and adaptable to desktop, mobile, and embedded applications.
Floorp is a new Firefox based browser from Japan with excellent privacy & flexibility.
Taxi is a small and snappy js library for adding slick PJAX navigation and beautiful transitions to your website.
mdBook is a command line tool to create books with Markdown. It is ideal for creating product or API documentation, tutorials, course materials or anything that requires a clean, easily navigable and customizable presentation.
Pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager.